Monday, August 31, 2009

OSS Experience


jEdit ( is a programmer's text editor written in Java. It is like any other text editor, but with a little more power. It is supported on multiple systems, mac or pc. With the correct plugins, this not so simple text editor can be a powerful tool for a new java programmer.


Right after download and startup, this text editor is like any other text editor. I tried writing my previous posted program and it was like notepad but with a little more features. Unlike eclipse, this text editor does not help too much when first downloaded. However, with the correct plugins, jEdit could be a powerful editor (said by the website).


When downloaded, jEdit is just one executable file. After download, with just a few clicks as to where the user would like to save the program and have certain features, the program is up and running. If the user is a first time computer user, this type of download could not be any easier. However, when using this type of text editor, it should not be a for a first time java programmer and computer user, because without the correct plugins, it will not help for a first time java programmer, and finding the correct plugins for a first time computer user is not so great also.


For an experienced computer user and java user, this program can be very easily used. Again, with the right plugins this program could be very powerful, even though it is like a simple text editor. To improve this program as a developer, I would give the option of downloading the program with plugins already installed. As it is now after download, the program is almost identical as notepad. If it came with an option for certain plugins, jEdit could be like eclipse after download. As a new developer, this program could be easily modified because it gives the new developer to write and update modes, write macros and plugins, and fix plugins or core bugs.


The FizzBuzz Program:

The purpose of this program is to print integers from 1 - 100 with the following exception, every number divisible by 3 prints Fizz, 5 prints Buzz, 3 and 5 prints FizzBuzz. It was assigned to test
"programmers", who say they can program, but in reality they can not. This simple program helped companies to not hire people who can not do a simple program.

Time took to do this: 5 min

Problems: A little basics

Solutions: Look for examples online or the java API


Fun refresher when done in class. It was interesting to learn the JUnit test case program and implementing it with this program. So far the class seems great. Love the structure of how we are doing work in class and not mostly at home.


public class FizzBuzz {
//Constructor to print out the numbers.
public FizzBuzz(){
for(int x = 1; x <= 100; x++){ if((x % 15) == 0){//number is 15 because that is 3 and 5 System.out.println("FizzBuzz"); } else if ((x % 3 ) == 0){ System.out.println("Fizz"); } else if ((x % 5) == 0){ System.out.println("Buzz"); } else { System.out.println(x); } } }

public static void main(String[]args){
FizzBuzz fizzer = new FizzBuzz();
